Rock Solid Climbing
About Us | Genuine Qualified Climbing Guides in North Wales

About Us | Genuine Qualified Climbing Guides in North Wales

Who Are Rock Solid Climbing?

Rock Solid Climbing is owned and run by George and Rachel; we’re both North Wales (Welsh) locals and very active climbers. Trad climbing is probably our main passion and Snowdonia is at the heart of the UK climbing scene. For some background – we’re generally climbing routes across the grades up to about e7/e8 and there’s no shortage of incredible climbs in North Wales. Over the winter we get away on an extended sport climbing trip; on-sighting is the most fun for us mainly trying routes up to F8a but we occasionally climb routes a bit harder. Basically we’re always climbing, all the time! We’re based near Harlech but run courses all across North Wales and sometimes further afield in the UK.


I started Rock Solid because I really enjoy showing people all the amazing climbing the UK has to offer. I love teaching people and I know that I can shortcut a lot of the trial and error learning that I experienced. It’s great getting people on the pathway to climbing and watching them progress, even throughout the day. I know I’m setting them up for a new lifestyle! There’s been an explosion in the number of indoor climbing walls recently and they’re a brilliant gateway to the world of actual rock climbing. The next step is the best one; you just need to know the basics of how to keep yourselves safe! There’s an unlimited amount of climbing to be experienced outside!

– George


Rock climbing has brought me a huge amount of enjoyment, I’ve met some amazing people and traveled to a lot of really interesting places. I’d love to inspire other people to get in to the sport and help discover what climbing could mean for them. I’m most looking forward to days out with other girls, passing on my skills, knowledge, experience and psyche!

– Rachel