Private Guided Rock Climbing
If you’re just looking to get out climbing (and maybe learn a few things along the way) then we offer guided rock climbing days. We love taking people out climbing so whatever you’ve got in mind, we can get it done. Multi-pitch climbing on Cloggy, ticking something like Dream of White Horses, Gogarth or even Positron down on the Anglesey sea cliffs, or an Extreme Rock tick like Cenotaph Corner or Left Wall in the Llanberis Pass! Let us be your guide, we know North Wales really REALLY well!
Intro to Trad Climbing
If you’ve never climbed trad or have done very little then our Intro to Trad Climbing course will give you the fundamental skills and techniques required to understand this style of climbing. Essentially we just get out climbing and begin to look at the safety systems involved; belaying, where and how to place protection, building belays, bringing up a second, abseiling etc.
Learn to Lead Trad
If you want to become a trad climber this is the course for you. We’ll pack in as much information as you can manage; there’s no limit to the learning! Learn how to choose and find a route, place bomber gear, build bulletproof belays; this is your gateway to the world of trad climbing…
Rock Improver
So you’ve done some trad climbing but you’re looking to build on your knowledge and sharpen your skills? We’ll be concentrating on more advanced setups; climbing with half ropes, multi-pitch rock climbing, building equalised belays, retreating via abseil. Expand your tool-set, gain more confidence and improve as a trad climber. We love to teach…
Performance Trad Climbing
Our Performance Trad Climbing courses are for climbers that have a strong trad climbing foundation and want to break in to the harder grades (eg HVS/E1 and beyond). This is where trad climbing gets really good and if you know what you’re doing it’s often very safe climbing. If you’re going to push your grade then you need to understand how to place and evaluate the quality of your gear, read the climbing above and make decisions as to whether is safe to continue or not. Falling is a real potential if you’re at your limit; you need to know how to stay safe…
Falling on Trad Gear & Mental Performance
The key to really enjoying climbing and pushing your trad grade is often all about understanding and managing your fears. Falling off is generally the main fear climbers experience although there are others; fear of failure, fear of the unknown etc. If you’d like to expanding your understanding of the forces involved in falling, what actually happens to you, your belayer and your gear and address some of the mental difficulties we all often experience, this is likely the course for you.
Sea Cliff Climbing
Sea cliffs bring their own challenges to trad climbing! Access is often tricky (you’ll probably need to abseil in), then you’ve got to consider the tide and the state of the sea, retreat isn’t always simple/ an option BUT the UK has some of the best sea cliff climbing in the world. Once you know how to stay out of trouble there are some unforgettable days to be had hanging out above the waves.
Problem Solving & Self Rescue
If you get in to trouble do you actually know what to do? There are countless situation you can find yourself in but there are only a handful of fundamental techniques you need to solve most of these problems. Gain confidence by understanding your options before things go wrong. Should you get in to a problem, being able to rescue yourself or your parter is critical.