Rock Solid Climbing
Falling on Trad Gear & Mental Coaching | The Key to Progression

Falling on Trad Gear & Mental Coaching | The Key to Progression

Falling on Trad and Mental Coaching Course

Course Details:

This workshop specifically looks at falling off on trad gear. This is one of the most under-appreciate areas of climbing when it comes to improving your physical and mental performance. Once you make an impact here you’ll unlock the key to fast and safe progression.

Falling off on trad should not be taken lightly but equally, if done correctly, it’s just as safe or even safer(!) than sport climbing. Whilst this may sound ridiculous, if you can lace a vertical crack on a clean face with sinker gear above your head all the way, it’s really safe. Core aspects of this course include:

  • Hunting out safe routes
  • Assessing the safety of your system
  • Weighting trad gear
  • Falling on trad gear
  • Understanding and coping with anxiety
  • Reading the rock; identifying gear and rests
  • Safe fall / no fall zones
  • Dynamic belaying aka the soft catch
  • Discovering your personal pathway to managing fear
Location: Snowdonia, North Wales
Duration: 1-2 days
Ratio: 1-2:1
Price: £240 / day
Experience Level: Experienced Trad Climber
Kit: Climbing Shoes, Harness, Personal Rack