Rock Solid Climbing
Intro to Trad Climbing Courses | Top Quality Instruction

Intro to Trad Climbing Courses | Top Quality Instruction

Intro to Trad Climbing

Course Details:

Our ‘Intro to Trad Climbing’ course is perfect for anyone that’s interested in learning how get in to traditional climbing (where you place your own protection eg cams and nuts etc). It’s helpful if you’ve got some previous indoor or outdoor experience although it’s not required.

Even if you just want to become a competent second, this course will give you the skills needed to understand the various safety systems. In essence we get straight to it and get as much climbing in as possible whilst at the same time giving you an understanding of what it’s all about. You can guarantee lots of climbing, lots of practice and lots of learning! We will be looking at:

  • Guidebooks and Trad Grades
  • Trad Gear
  • Seconding Trad Routes
  • Placing Trad Gear
  • Belaying with 1 and 2 Ropes
  • Building & Cleaning Belays
Location: Snowdonia, North Wales
Duration: 1-2 days
Ratio: 1-2:1
Price: £240 / day
Experience Level: Any
Kit: Climbing Shoes & Harness