Rock Solid Climbing
Private Guided Rock Climbing | Experienced Guides, Incredible Adventures

Private Guided Rock Climbing | Experienced Guides, Incredible Adventures

Private Guided Rock Climbing

Course Details:

Have you got a lifetime route on your list that you’d like to tick off? Are you on a trip to North Wales without a climbing parter? We offer private, bespoke, guided rock climbing days. Set your objective; it can be anywhere in the UK. From the classic mountain multi-pitches of North Wales to Scotland’s infamous sea stack “The Old Man of Hoy”; name your route! If you’d like some recommendations let us know. Guided days out rock climbing are some of our favourite.

Location: Anywhere in the UK
Duration: N/A
Ratio: 1-2:1
Price: £240 / day
Experience Level: Any
Kit: Climbing Shoes