Rock Solid Climbing
Problem Solving and Self Rescue for Trad Climbers | Maximise Your Skill Set

Problem Solving and Self Rescue for Trad Climbers | Maximise Your Skill Set

Problem Solving and Self Rescue for Trad Climbers

Course Details:

There are many difficulties you can get in to when trad climbing but there are only a handful of basic tools that you need in your toolbox to sort them. Maybe you started up the wrong route, or you got lost on the climb, your partner is stuck, it’s getting dark and you need to escape… the list is enormous! Luckily, with a few fundamental skills you can get out of most situations.

Having the knowledge to deal with problems will greatly improve your confidence as a climber. This in turn makes you more relaxed and makes days out climbing way more fun! Some of the topics we will cover will include:

  • Hoisting your second
  • Aiding an unclimbable section
  • Retreating mid route
  • Escaping the system
  • Ascending ropes
  • Multi-pitch abseils
  • Passing a knot on abseil
  • Advanced rescue techniques
Location: Snowdonia, North Wales
Duration: 2 days
Ratio: 1-2:1
Price: £240 / day
Experience Level: Basic Trad Climber
Kit: Climbing Shoes, Harness